Jul 11, 2007

Distribution Cynicism Reaches New Low: Authors Proclaim "Win Win is Dead"

The newly released book by Mike Marks, Tim Horan and Mike Emerson of Indian River Consulting Group, Working at Cross-Purposes: How Distributors and Manufacturers Can Manage Conflict Successfully, has the premise that "win-win" is dead or never existed between suppliers and distributors.

Here's what author Tim Horan had to say about the ideas in the book:

"The truth is that win-win can often cause more harm than good.
When executives believe that win-win exists and there is a shared prosperity, they start believing in entitlements. Entitlements don’t exist in today’s business; just ask the competitors of Wal-Mart who watched their long-standing suppliers cut prices and bend over backward for the giant retailer. We realized we were onto something with our “win-win is dead” thesis when we presented our findings to a round table gathering of major manufacturers. One of the participants, upon hearing our thoughts, exclaimed, “Boy am I glad to hear that, I always thought it was a bunch of bull. Finally, someone had the guts to say it out loud.”
(source: http://www.ircg.com/Articles/Strategy-Development/Working-at-Cross%11Purposes.html)
Ouch! It's just that type of cynicism that hamstrings efforts to improve working relationships in industrial markets. Click on the link below to go to an excellent discussion board to hear these ideas debated by real managers in real situations in the field...

Click Here for Encouraging Insights from Industry Managers

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